Personal Data Processing Policy at PLATFORMECO LLC

This Policy contains a description of the principles and approaches of PLATFORMECO LLC regarding the processing and security of personal data, obligations and responsibilities of PLATFORMECO LLC while carrying out such processing.

PLATFORMECO LLC fully ensures the rights and freedoms of citizens during personal data processing, including the protection of the rights to privacy, personal and family secrets.

During personal data processing at PLATFORMECO LLC the following principles are strictly observed:

  • Personal data processing incompatible with the purposes of personal data collection is not allowed;
  • Personal data processing that does not meet the purposes of processing shall not be allowed. The content and composition of processed personal data at During personal data processing at PLATFORMECO LLC the following principles are strictly observed: corresponds to the declared purposes of processing;
  • When processing personal data, the accuracy, adequacy and, if necessary, relevance of personal data is ensured;
  • Personal data is stored no longer than required by the purposes of personal data processing, as well as by federal legislation of the Russian Federation and contracts, to which the personal data subject is a party, beneficiary or guarantor;
  • Personal data processing shall comply with the principles and rules provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The subjects of personal data processed by PLATFORMECO LLC are:

  • candidates for employment;
  • employees;
  • representatives of contractors;
  • clients — physical persons;
  • corporate clients — legal entities.
  • Purposes of personal data processing

The purpose of processing of personal data on candidates for employment is the selection and recruitment of staff at PLATFORMECO LLC

The purpose of processing the personal data of employees is to appoint the personnel of PLATFORMECO LLC in accordance with the legislation and other normative legal acts. Moreover, the goal is to assist in employment, training, take advantage of different privileges according to the Labor Code of RF, Tax Code of RF, federal laws of RF, in particular: Federal Law of 1. 04.1996, № 27-FZ "On individual (personalized) accounting in the mandatory pension insurance system", Federal Law of 27.07.2006 № 152-FZ "On Personal Data".

The purpose of processing the personal data of counterparty representatives is the conclusion and execution of contracts, where the counterparty and LLC PLATFORMECO LLC act as parties to the contract. In addition, the purpose is the fulfillment of the requirements of Russian legislation.

The purpose of processing the personal data of clients is the execution of the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and the execution of contracts, conducting marketing and other research and providing services.

Confidentiality of the personal data and possibility to transfer personal data to third parties

Access to personal data is limited in accordance with federal legislation of the Russian Federation and local legal acts of PLATFORMECO LLC.

PLATFORMECO LLC does not disclose personal data received as a result of its professional activity.

Employees PLATFORMECO LLC, who received access to personal data, take obligations to ensure confidentiality of processed personal data, which are defined by

  • employment contract;
  • instructions in terms of security of personal data.

Access to personal data processed in PLATFORMECO LLC, on the basis of and in compliance with normative legal acts, is provided to public authorities upon their written request (demand).

Security of the personal data

PLATFORMECO LLC takes the necessary technical and organizational measures of information security to protect personal data from unauthorized access, change, disclosure or destruction, through internal audits of data collection, storage and processing processes and security measures, as well as implementing physical security measures to prevent unauthorized access to the systems in which PLATFORMECO LLC stores personal data.

Rights and obligations of subjects of personal data

PLATFORMECO LLC takes reasonable measures to maintain the accuracy and relevance of personal data available, as well as the removal of personal data in cases when they are outdated, unreliable or unnecessary, or if the objectives of their processing have been achieved. Subjects of personal data are responsible for providing PLATFORMECO LLC with accurate information, as well as for the timely updating of the data provided in case of any changes.

In case if YOU as the subject of personal data want to know what personal data PLATFORMECO LLC has about YOU or add, correct, depersonalize or delete any incomplete, inaccurate or outdated personal data, or want to stop processing YOUR personal data by PLATFORMECO LLC, or have other legal requirements, YOU can in due course and in accordance with applicable Russian law exercise such a right by contacting PLATFORMECO LLC at the address given below.

In some cases (for example, if YOU wish to delete YOUR personal data or stop processing it) this may also mean that PLATFORMECO LLC is no longer able to provide YOU with services for which it is necessary and obligatory for PLATFORMECO LLC to receive and process YOUR personal data.

In order to fulfill YOUR requests and/or inquiries, PLATFORMECO LLC may request YOUR identification and request additional information confirming YOUR participation in the relations with PLATFORMECO LLC, or information otherwise confirming the processing of personal data by PLATFORMECO LLC. In addition, the applicable legislation of the Russian Federation may impose restrictions and other conditions relating to YOUR rights as mentioned above.

Address for sending inquiries and/or appeals by subjects of personal data: Moscow, Obruchevskii district, 3 Vorontsovskie prudy St, to PLATFORMECO LLC.


If YOU have further questions or suggestions regarding this Policy, YOU may contact LEROY PLATFORMECO LLC at any time at the following address:

A warning about the use of cookies on Platformeco website

A cookie is a small file, which usually consists of letters and numbers. This file is stored on your computer, tablet, phone, or other device that you use to visit the website. Cookies are widely used by website owners to make their websites work or improve performance and to provide analytical information.

We and our service providers may use different types of cookies on our websites:

  • Strictly Required Cookies. These cookies are essential for the website to work correctly, they allow YOU to navigate and use our website. These cookies do not identify YOU as an individual. If YOU do not agree to use this type of cookie, it may affect the performance of the website, or its components.
  • Performance, efficiency and analytics cookies. These cookies help us understand how visitors interact with our website by giving us information about the areas they have visited and the amount of time they have spent there, as well as showing us problems with the site's operation, such as error messages. This helps us improve the way the website works. Analytics cookies also help us measure the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns and optimize the content of our websites for those who are interested in our ads. This type of cookies cannot be used to identify YOU. All information that is collected and analyzed is anonymous. Functional cookies. These cookies are used to recognize users who return to our site. They allow us to personalize the site content for YOU, greet you by name, and remember YOUR preferences. If you block this type of cookie, it may affect the performance and functionality of the website and may limit access to content on the website.
  • Advertising Cookies. These cookies record information about YOUR online activities, including visits to our websites and pages, and the links and advertisements YOU choose to view. One of our goals is to reflect the content on our websites that is most relevant to YOU. Another is to ensure that we and our service providers can provide advertising or other information that more closely matches YOUR interests. (Acting in this way, we and our providers attract partners such as information portals, data management platforms and demand-research platforms that provide assistance in processing such data.) For example, if YOU view a page on our website about a particular product, we may cause YOU to see advertising related to that (or similar) product and related services on all of our sites or other websites. We, our service providers and partners may additionally use other data and information collected through these cookies, including information collected from third parties, to provide advertising to YOU.

How is other information collected and used?

We and our service providers may use cookies for a variety of purposes, including to:
  • Facilitate for us and for third parties the process of receiving information about YOUR visits to the website.
  • Process YOUR orders.
  • Analyze information about YOUR page visits to improve our website.
  • Provide advertising, messaging and content created by us and third parties on this website and others' sites with your interests in mind.
  • Assist you in obtaining the information YOU search for.
  • Determine the number of visitors and how they use our website — to improve the effectiveness of the website and to best understand the interests of their audience.

How long are cookies stored on a device?

Some cookies last from the time YOU log in to the website until the end of that particular browsing session. When YOU close your browser, these cookies become obsolete and are automatically deleted. These cookies are called "session cookies".

Some cookies also stay on YOUR device between browsing sessions — they do not expire when YOU close your browser. These cookies are called "persistent cookies". The retention period for persistent cookies on YOUR device varies from cookie to cookie. We and other companies use persistent cookies for various purposes, such as to better understand how often YOU visit or return to our websites, how YOUR use of our sites changes over time, and to measure the effectiveness of advertisements.

Who puts cookies on a device?

Cookies may be placed on YOUR device by the administration of These cookies are called "proprietary cookies". Some cookies may be placed on YOUR device by other operators. These cookies are called "third party" cookies.

We and third parties may use cookies to find out when YOU visit our websites, how YOU interact with email, advertisements and other content. Cookies may collect and use aggregate and other non-personally identifiable information (such as operating system, browser version and referring URL, including from an email or advertisement) so that we can provide YOU with greater insight and analysis into the paths YOU take to visit our websites. This technology allows us to count the number of users who have visited a specific service by following a link from a specific banner outside the site, a text link, or an image included in a newsletter. In addition, it serves as a tool for collecting generalized statistics on site usage for analytical research purposes and helps us optimize our websites and offer advertising tailored to YOUR interests, as detailed below.

How is online and mobile advertising used?

We, along with third parties, including technology partners and service providers, engage in user-centric advertising activities by providing advertising and personalized content that we and other advertisers believe will be of interest to YOU. Third-party providers use cookies when implementing services for us or other companies; in such cases, we have no control over the use of said technology or the information obtained therefrom and are not responsible for any actions or policies of third parties. Advertisements may be provided to YOU based on the nature of your online or mobile activities, your search activities, your responses to one of our advertisements or emails, the web pages YOU have visited, YOUR geographic region or other information. These advertisements may appear on our site or on third party sites. The technology partners with whom we cooperate and who help us conduct advertising campaigns tailored to YOUR interests may be members of self-regulatory associations. YOU may also see third-party advertisements on this site depending on what pages YOU visit and what activities YOU perform on our website and on other websites.

How to manage cookies?

Most Internet browsers are initially set up to automatically accept cookies. YOU can change the settings to block cookies or to alert YOU when a cookie is sent to YOUR device. There are several ways to manage cookies. Please refer to your browser’s instructions to learn more about how to adjust or change YOUR browser settings. If YOU disable the cookies that we use, it may affect YOUR browsing experience while on YOU may not be able to receive personal information when YOU visit the website. If YOU use different devices to browse and access our website (e.g., computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.), YOU should make sure that each browser on each device is configured to work with cookies.